Climate Ideals

On a very cold winter day in 2018, in the evening, I, Ralf Garber, was seized by an essential thought: the idea to do much more than ever against climate change and to follow more innovative paths than other consultants before. I was thinking about how Klima-Kontor could inspire even more people and companies to do something for their and our common future. Now and here. A creative storm was brewing in my head, it sparked and the first flashes of inspiration struck.

The essential question was as follows: How can we unite all our expertise and that of our team? It quickly became clear that ecology and economy should by no means contradict each other, but rather conform in all facets of life. The pens were glowing, my hands were scribbling ideas onto paper in a constant flow, and by the next morning I had drafted our climate ideals. Now it was time to think in detail about the corresponding services for our customers. So I designed all our service concepts in such a way that we would henceforth create solutions for the future. In addition, we form holistic interfaces to all other climate services, such as the climate concept or the climate sector, in order to close the cycle.

The aim was clear: We create atmosphere.

The essential question was as follows: How can we unite all our expertise and that of our team?

Our values

Our mission statement

  • For us, economic efficiency in a company is the essence of the interplay between ecology and economy. Our clients are our partners in all energy- and company-relevant areas. We achieve sustainable success with intellectual diversity through:

    C lassical starting points in conception

    S olution-oriented results for successful implementation

    I nnovative way of thinking taking regenerative energy technologies into consideration

    M otivated, highly qualified employees with a vision

    A nalytical way of working with that special touch

    for a climate-friendly future for the next generations

    Creating atmosphere

  • In order to step into a climate-friendly, economic future with you as our role model, we live and work under the following premises every day:

    S top climate change by creating awareness

    P rotect the ozone layer - reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions through energy efficiency concepts

    W ork and live sustainably and avoid waste

    C reating transparency towards partners, colleagues and friends

    I mplement ecological concepts to improve profitability

    T hink and act renewably and focus on energy self-sufficiency