Klima Sector

A long summer day in 2020 came to an end and I, Jonas Keller, was sitting on the couch. I am a master baker and energy officer in a craft bakery. The news was on the screen and suddenly these words came up: sector, sector coupling, energy transformation… I just thought: there’s always something going on. That’s how it is for many people, because we’ve all heard or read it before, at the latest in the news. But what are they doing about it at Klima-Kontor now?

I had already read and heard something about it. But the question continued to revolve in my mind. I know the founder, Ralf Garber, and wrote him a short e-mail directly. Shortly thereafter, I already had an e-mail reply stating the following: “Hello Mr. Keller, this question is quickly answered. We combine the beautiful with the useful: We create an energetic master plan and show all the savings and technical possibilities, including subsidies, that exist today in terms of overall energy.

We bring some regenerative sunshine into the company and motivate you to saddle up a little with your team. We show you how it works in practice. This is what we do for you in the Klima-Kontor team. Let us discuss everything on site. Then we will be happy to walk the way together with you.

Let’s go! Create atmosphere.

Anne-Catharina Nasri-Graage and Ralf Garber