Climate System engineering services

At the beginning of January 2021, we from Klima-Kontor sat together in the office and planned several variants of a production modernization. That’s when we had the idea of putting everything together much more effectively from a technical point of view. Even the ancient Greeks said “sýstéma” to a whole made up of several individual parts. In this case: a system of individual parts, which has the size of grains of sand. Have you ever created something stable from individual grains of sand?

That is exactly our challenge: to create something sustainable from tiny grains, just as we know it from glassmaking or concrete construction. But what does climate system actually mean? We put together all the sand-grain-sized, process-relevant individual parts of your company and the corresponding technology so that the result is a modern, sustainable picture.

Engineering services only work with power, energy and the passionate sensitivity for the entire production system. This is our climate system – passion, energy and creativity – and at the same time your total energetic all-round view, from the idea to the commissioning.

Planning according to H-O-A-I
Hightech – Optimal – Adequate – Implemented


  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
  • Intelligent heat supply concepts
  • Compressed air systems
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration systems
  • Combined heat, power and refrigeration (Trigeneration)
  • Heat recovery and solar thermal plants
  • Steam generation plants
  • Lighting systems
  • Photovoltaic plants


  • Energy efficient – Optimization of your plants through fine tuning
  • Self-sufficient – generate energy and reduce CO2 emissions
  • Interconnected – systemic control of your plants and processes
  • Solution-oriented – top priority of economic efficiency in the life cycle


  • Healthy – thinking of future generations to create an optimal climate foundation for them
  • Recyclable – using existing energy sources and integrating them into processes
  • Emission neutral – skillfully integrating natural resources and using them economically, sustainable and holistic planning from a single source on your behalf

Your integrated energy view from the idea to initial operation