Climate ProFit

These are the days when we, Anne-Catharina Nasri-Graage and Ralf Garber, can question the here and now and reflect a little. The days when we talk about climate change, catastrophes and current topics of the day. We hear people say the following: “Climate change doesn’t exist.“ Over and over again. „Climate change has only been invented to rip us off. Climate change doesn’t affect me personally,” etc. This sets off alarm bells for us, because we want to educate and raise awareness. Many people lack the connection to what the climate crisis really means.

When it comes to the climate crisis and climate change, the media often only looks at the big picture, but rarely at what affects us as individuals, families, communities, cities or regions. Only few of us are aware of the consequences that climate change has for us personally and for the company in which we work and for which we are responsible.

The climate is an important constant in our lives, which determines every day of our existence. We make companies, communities, cities and people fit for the climate and against climate change. We bring together what has always belonged together, that is, technology, people and resource efficiency, and explain it in a way that everyone understands.

That is our mission with Climate-ProFit.

Climate-ProFit is an added-value concept for municipalities, involving regional companies and citizen working groups in a defined region. It addresses mayors, business development agencies, district administrators and regional developers as well as environmental agencies and climate protection agencies.

The climate is an important constant in our lives, which determines every day of our existence.


  • Joint concept of municipality/location/region with companies and people
  • Data collection in different impact areas (mobility, company emissions, resource consumption)
  • Climate-ProFit - connecting people - sustainable courses on individual specialist topics
  • Climate-ProFit team - working group moderation
  • Creation of an overall concept for implementation


  • Raising awareness through evaluation of data
  • Interaction on measures and potentials
  • Joint strategic elaboration for climate crisis management
  • Integration of all participation groups for new platforms


  • Encouraging the environment-people-climate thinking.
  • Saving of resources through changes of use in all areas
  • Building interests solidarily in order to increase the common good
  • Plan topics with subsidy possibilities for technical implementations